Regulatory practices on ageing management and long term operation of nuclear power plants in the ibero-american region


Publicaciones conjuntas con el OIEA (en)


Prácticas reguladoras en envejecimiento y extensión de vida de centrales nucleares. Guías y documentos de este proyecto del FORO.



This publication presents the results of the 2009–2010 FORO/IAEA project on regulatory practices on ageing management and safety considerations for extending the operating lifetime of nuclear power plants. The purpose of the project was to provide nuclear regulators in the region with guidance on regulatory criteria, assessment, regulatory inspection and periodic safety reviews relating to ageing management and long term operation of nuclear power plants. The results are presented in a set of four reports, with guidelines for FORO members and a summary report of the project. These reports contain valuable information for the development of future international guidance in the field.

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